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Goal Setting to Ensure Success

My new video "Goal Setting to Ensure Success" on Instagram >> 

I have discussed several topics that should be fairly easy, at face value, to implement in your day-to-day life, but very often things are easier said than done. (PS. If you missed any of these topics, please go back and have a read, I think there is at least one thing that could help you or someone you know: Julias Blog >> )

In reality, holding yourself accountable and being motivated to do things every day can be very difficult. This is why goal setting is incredibly important, it enables you to monitor your journey and progress and stay excited to keep moving forward. If you see and feel yourself making significant progress towards achieving your goals, it is rewarding, and you remain motivated to keep going and setting new goals and keep pushing your limits. A study done by Edwin A. Locke and Gary P. Latham in 2006 proved that goal setting is directly correlated with higher motivation, self-esteem and self-confidence.

In order to stay motivated in your wellness journey (or whatever aspect you would apply these tips) it is key to have your penultimate goals, and these should be long-term (1 to 5-years in the future.) You then build backwards and build out these goals into short-term goals that you can frequently achieve and tick off as DONE, to again keep self-motivation high. Tony Robbins, who is a motivational speaker and coach summed up goal setting very well for me, which I found relatable, and I hope you can do: “Setting goals is the first step from turning the invisible to visible.”  When goals are visible, and results are also visible the human mind is more likely to nudge you forward into achieving what you want. 

When setting goals, I like to make sure they are SMART goals, which you may have heard before. This is a concept developed in 1981 by George Doran, Arthur Miller and James Cunninghamin and you can use the following template to build your own personal goals:

Specific: What do you want to achieve? What needs to be done to get to the goal?
Measurable: How do I measure/track my journey to this goal?
Achievable: Is this realistically achievable? (Important because if you can’t see the finish line it is hard to keep pushing yourself forward) If not, break it down into short-term goals first. 
Relevant: Here is where you ask yourself a big why. Why are you doing this and where does it fit into the bigger picture of your personal journey? 
Timely: What is my deadline to achieve this goal? Are there other time parameters that will keep me on track to achieving my goal?

Write down your goals, repeat them to yourself over and over. Don’t lose sight of what you want to achieve and where you are on that journey. If you have the right mindset, the willingness to overcome uncomfortable situations and believe in yourself, you can 100% achieve what you set out to do.

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Julia Görges


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